Founded in 2014 by local young people who wanted to see more opportunities for their generation,
we facilitate pioneering initiatives coming from our local area to tackle systemic issues around climate change, purposeful work, social infrastructure, rural youth opportunities and nature connection.

Our aim is create thriving local communities through reciprocal and regenerative relationships, centering, supporting and empowering younger generations within an intergenerational container.
Our Vision is to achieve peak regenerative potential for local ecosystems across our existing site and potential future sites whilst supporting resilient and inclusive grassroots community networks through nature-connection.
Where we are

The Living Projects are guardians of a 4-acre piece of land on the edge of Dartington, called ‘Pondfield’. Throughout the project’s 7 year history, we have restored an unused agricultural field to a natural habitat. The site now has a pond, woodland, woodland edge, hedgerows and has been returned to a natural meadow state.
Drawing of Pondfield
by Matthew Bailey of Wellspring Architecture
Collectively we are navigating climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, a growing wealth gap, inequality, isolation, a mental and physical health crisis, and so much more.
We understand that we each have a role to play in navigating these issues.
At The Living Projects we want to find ways to build resilience, capacity and confidence for people to face these issues together. We want to foster qualities that support lifelong learning so that more of us can adapt to the challenges of these times.
​We also believe that given the right type of support, funding and opportunities that The Living Projects at Pondfield could become a prime example of how communities can collectively run, use and transform agricultural land into community assets, supporting learning, food sovereignty and wellbeing. Our mission is to grow The Living Projects into a space where we can support others to create similar initiatives and together tackle these issues.
The Bigger Picture

"I was introduced to young people with vision, energy and drive to create a difference locally. This is a long-term vision towards creating a future that works for local people of all ages."

Space for local groups to meet
Learning experiences in food growing and agroecology
Events that support resilience and regeneration
Experiences that help people to learn new skills
Nature connection opportunities
We work with local educational organisations to improve young peoples wellbeing
A thriving community space
What we currently offer:
"I have felt so welcomed - it is a place of connection & communion. It has become a home, somewhere I know I can go to and feel deeply held both by the land and the community."
Our Team.
The Living Projects has primarily been a volunteer led organisation meaning that most of our accomplishments have been possible due to the voluntary work from our steering group and project members.
All team members are part of the The Living Projects steering group which helps with the ongoing development and actioning of our mission, values and purpose. All steering group members volunteer a few hours a month to the ongoing sustainability of TLP.