Community wellbeing and land regeneration initiatives.
Healing land and people together
The Living Projects are the organisation behind the community space of Pondfield. We are regenerating 4 acres of agricultural land into a thriving biodiverse ecosystem whilst building resilient and inclusive grassroots community networks through nature-connection.
We offer regular events and learning opportunities in agroecology, climate change, nature connection and regeneration.

Our Projects
These are the main initiatives that we are currently developing as part of The Living Projects. Each of these offerings is unique and yet our shared mission means that the themes of regeneration, nature connection, community building, resilience and learning are present across all of them.
Find out more about how you can get involved.

We've transformed our market garden into a peer-led community learning and hands on growing experience
Previous Projects

A gentle caring space to grieve the troubles of our time and nurture what might be sprouting from the rubble.

Our free community offering packed full with amazing workshops by local facilitators and time to learn on the land.

Our longer learning journey around the topic of regeneration on the levels of self, community and earth.
We also provide community space to our members who lead support groups centred around wellbeing and learning.
These include interfaith groups, mens and women's groups, LGTBQI+ groups, nature connection groups and those with learning disabilities.
All members are able to use our space for a small donation to continue helping us grow and thrive as a project. If you'd like to use our space then drop us an email to find out more and how to become a member.